The Walkup Queue consists of a Day-Q (8:00 AM to 6:00 PM M-F) and a Night-Q (all other times). All samples are placed in the sample robot and run as studies. Multiple samples/studies may be submitted at once. A time limit (30 minutes) is imposed on studies submitted to the Day-Q. Longer studies are automatically placed in the Night-Q. Be attentive to others who need access when submitting multiple studies during the day.
To submit in the Walkup Queue, place your sample(s) in the robot and log in with your operator name. Fill out the New Sample form in the Study-Q window and press Submit for each study to be added. For each study you will need to select the desired experiments, choose the location and enter a study name. Customization of parameters is possible by a double-click on the experiment name. Be sure to log out afterword. A PDF of each spectrum will be emailed. The raw data is archived under your operator name and your login must be correct to get the email.